Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mirror, Mirror.

God really never fails to surprise me. I find that if I really look at my life, I'll find him in some of the most random times. Not too long ago I told a small group of girls at retreat that I want to free myself from my bitterness, and that was the sin I buried in my flower cup. Sometimes I'll discover I form my own prejudices against certain people just because of how I perceive their behaviors from an outside perspective, yet I've never even carried on a real conversation with them. Then that day comes, like today, when I talk to them and find that they're really not so bad, that they are actually kind of cool people to talk to.

Really, first impressions have a significant impact on what I think of people, which I know isn't really fair to them. There's so much more to a person than might immediately surface when you first encounter them, and they deserve the benefit of the doubt. I hope to see God continue working in my heart like this, because I LOVE it.