Sunday, March 15, 2009

And He Said "Take My Hand, Live While You Can"

Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me... I think getting so much sleep has actually made me a bit irritable! But I really just didn't feel like taking people's crap today, so I might have said more than I normally would. I don't regret it though, because some things need to be said, and I'm tired of not standing up for myself! Okay, so now on to the list that should make me feel better about today...

1. I didn't get up until 11! It was nice to finally get some much-needed sleep.
2. I ran two miles at the SRSC and did a lot of ab workouts, which made me feel much better about myself today.
3. My hair feels extra soft! I don't know why, but this brightens my day.
4. I got to work in the home goods dept. tonight, even if I only did it for three hours.
5. I drank mountain dew today. YUM.
Special addition to the five:
6. I'm gonna spend time reading my Bible now!

Hopefully having some devo time will relieve some of this pent-up frustration I have right now. God is all I need!