Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Paradigm Shift

With all that I said in the previous post, I'm really hoping that I can also have a major shift in my paradigm of life. I realize that I can be a pretty serious pessimist at times, and I'm not exactly sure why. God blessed me with this amazing opportunity of life and a chance to admire his great power and beauty through this wonderful world he has created. Sometimes life can just feel so.... overwhelming and frustrating. But just because I have struggles and sufferings, doesn't mean I should let them permeate every part of my existence. We're all only here on this earth for a brief moment, and then we're gone forever.

A good way for me to start working on this shift is to be more spiritually awake, which is a concept we learned about at fall retreat. If I leave myself open to be used by him and remain in constant contact with him I can't go wrong. He is so amazing, and oftentimes I just let that slip my mind. It just reminds me that this world is so much bigger than my small, everyday problems and I have no reason to let them devour my life and overall perspective. Life is amazing, and we should rejoice in the good times AND the suffering!