Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh to be a kindergartener again!

There's no doubt that I haven't loved a job more than the one I have now. It doesn't even feel like a "job" but more like I just get to play with kids all day and get paid for it. =] All the driving might be a hassle but it's totally worth it; God has really blessed me.

This morning was entertaining from the start, because Alicia came in with a scarf draped over her head that reached all the way to her shoulders, so Mark was calling her Jar-Jar. Nathan was being his usual bundle of trouble, but I think it's because he's so young and just needs some attention. He wanted to be included in our game of chutes and ladders but wanted to jump to the last 20 squares without going through any of the beginning spaces, so we just let him "win." Apparently when he wins he also expects his piece to be the only one on the winning space for the rest of the game, and if anyone so much as touches it he became extremely upset.

The Childs pre-k was just as fun as last time; they were listening to music, dancing in a circle, and playing instruments when I came in. We played hot potato, ate lunch, and watched a video about farm animals because a family will be bringing some farm animals to their school tomorrow for the elementary kids to see.

After-school we were moved to a different room for study hall because the chess club needed to use our room to meet (the popularity of the chess club absolutely astounds me). A table of sixth-grade girls won the pizza for the week for being quiet, and they had quite a time deciding what kind of pizza they wanted to get. Initially, their final decision was half feta cheese with spinach and onions and half sausage (which ping kept messing up/forgetting every time she went up to tell nick, and she plus her whole table couldn't stop laughing), but nick threatened to get them a cheese pizza if they made it too complicated. So the final verdict was just plain sausage.

Extended day the kids were incredibly rowdy because it was a rainy day and they had been cooped up inside all day, which was to be expected. Regina mentioned to me that the other day Ekansh had told the other kids he was Indian, and one of the boys said "No you're not! You don't bring your bow and arrow to school every day!" I couldn't help but laugh at that one. I played chess with Tatyana (a tiny Kindergartener with a big attitude) and she beat me in just a couple of short minutes! The rules had slipped my mind and she was supposed to be "teaching" me how to play, but neglected to mention how to win/protect my king until AFTER checkmate. How embarrassing, but at the same time amazing that these children are so brilliant. =] Her brother drew a heavy amount of red and black marker all down his arm to make it look like a nasty wound, but that's another story.